Friday, March 07, 2008

Casting your vote?

Their no-so-original tagline: Just change it!
But works!

It's time for us Malaysians to do our parts as Malaysians.

The General Election is drawing very near and I'm sure you can feel the "heat" everywhere. Election fever is everywhere!


This was my recent msn conversation with my friend, Kel.

₪:hey babe

Carrie: yup?

₪: u voting?

Carrie: of cos. u?

₪: :( support BN!!!

Carrie: huh?

Carrie: u siao?

₪: why everybody i know is supporting the opposition but BN still wins every time?

Carrie: hrmm...wat do U tHink?

₪: if u can't beat them, join them

Carrie: hrmm...wat kinda mentality is that?


Carrie: is this what u learned in school, kid?
is this the Kelvin i KNOW i'm really talking to? :P

₪: i learned to love the BN govt in school lah

Carrie: ttyl..gotta restart pc



I think he was trying to be really sarcastic about the whole BN thing.
Anyways, I personally believe that we can make a difference. Well, to at least create some sort of check and balance.

Every vote counts, so do your part and "menjalankan tanggungjawab anda sebagai rakyat Malaysia".

Malaysia boleh?!?!

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