Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It never ends, does it?


I've been having food poisoning foreverrrrrrrrrrrr...



I feel terrible at the moment.
Lethargic, have no appetite and simply moody.

I actually went to the Doctor's last Thursday as I was having terrible diarrhea the day before and it has gotten worse. I was also kinda worried about that affecting my Phuket vacation.

Yups, you guessed right.

Eventhough I was feeling much much better by the time I was in Phuket, i couldn't really party as much.

My mates were out drinking from the moment we touched down (yups, they drank during lunch, dinner, in-between meals, and we proceeded to bar/club hopped till 6am). I just couldn't stomach the sight of alcohol.

And i thought I was well by Sunday. Geez.

I was back at work yesterday and felt nauseous after having my lunch. Then i realised I lost my appetite during dinner. Whatever food entered my mouth just didn't taste tasty at all.

Today, it got worse actually.

I couldn't even finish that bowl of porridge i had for lunch. Come 5pm, i was so sick i felt like puking at the slightest movement. :(

You'd know I'm really sick when i say No to cream puffs. Well, a friend was planning to make some for me but I just wasn't interested. Gosh, what's happening to me??!!??

Yups, it was that bad. So bad that I decided that i wasn't fit to go to the gym tonite <--and i've really been looking forward to it since i couldn't go last thursday due to the same food poisoning.

This has to be the worst of them all i tell ya! :(

On a lighter note, i met the cutest Dr today. :)

Dr E* was really sympathetic, not forgetting the fact that he's the cutest dr ever.

I was feeling so terrible that i asked him this.

Carrie: Doc, is there any way i can get rid of this queasy feeling? I really feel like puking but it feels damn uncomfortable. And do i really need to puke to get rid of all the toxins in my system?
Dr E*: It depends, some ppl do need to get it outta the system, while some don't. Anyway, i can suggest a faster way for relief. I can give you a jab.
Carrie: A jab??? Shit. Is it gonna be painful??
Dr E: No la. Not really actually.
Carrie: Where? My arm? (while pointing to my left arm)
Dr E: Nope. Your butt.
Carrie: Ah!! No thanks. *blushed the colour of beet root*

Gosh, i couldn't. Not in front of him. No no no way! Absolutely NOT!!

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