To MSN with LOVE
All these questions started flying in and I was like, “Whoa..How did he know that I’m not feeling too good la?”
True enough, I was having a rough patch with Chef. Got some issues la. (Now, that will warrant another post altogether. BUT don’t count on me writing about it here…There are too many dodgy spies lurking around my blog, which scares the shit out of me sometimes).
Well, back to our conversation..
Carrie: Eh, boy how you know wan?
CS: Eh, your msn profile message says it all what.
Oops, you mean, it was written all over msn? And I was that transparent???
Quick, what have I typed on my msn profile recently? *think think think*
Currently, it says “Perpetual headache”
Prior to that, it was “We’re not on the same page, you know?”
Before that, it was “We should just start anew, dun cha think?”
It goes without saying that in our wireless age these days, the best and fastest form of communication is the internet. And msn messenger is like the place where your friends get first hand information about your emotional state – whether you’re feeling emo, agro, docile or simply complacent. Heck, when we post a profile message, a big chunk of it would be linked with either:
a) the current Relationship status – “Thanks for the Valentine’s day roses Dan! Love you to bits!”
b) Work – “Arghh.. my slave driver boss is driving me crazy!”
c) Others with include our day-to-day updates –
"No carbs for a month. This is day two! :("
“Food poisoning :(”
I would sincerely like to thank the genius who invented msn messenger. I really have no clue what I’ll do without such convenience. Everything is at the tip of my fingers, a single click away. Isn’t this fantastic?
Just ONE question though, when it comes to openly revealing the state of your mind or emotions, will you or won’t you?