Happy Happy Birthdaysss...
There are certainly lots of May babies amongst my friends.
Dad's birthday is actually in June, but this year we celebrated his lunar birthday instead. His lunar birthday falls on Wesak Day every year, a pretty significant one for dear daddy. [FYi, the Chinese lunar calendar is always a month earlier as opposed to our conventional kwailo calendar].
~*~*~*Daddy's birthday*~*~*~
Dad and mum - the best parents in the whole wide world. :)
Thanks for your unfailing love and support. I love you guys too!!
Blessed with beautiful daughters (we were told). hehe..
We went to Restoran Sam You, PJ State. This is a really ol skool Chinese Restaurant whereby the food is always good and the waiters are always friendly.
We had their specialty prawn. It was da bomb. The gravy is made from mayo and thai sweet chilli sauce and god knows what other special sauce.
It was yumm..I am inspired to create the same dish myself.
I love "tau fu kang". It's like shark's fin soup without the shark's fin but instead has lotsa tofus. i loveee tofus. And yeah, dun be so cruel la. Dun eat shark can??
My family loves the brinjal/long bean, petai and kacang botol dish with belacan. Here at Sam You the dish was excellent.
Next was the 8 treasure chicken.
The 8 treasure chicken dish lacked the taste of chinese herbs that day. I was a tad bit disappointed though.
Thank you for your encouraging words.. Thank you for allowing me to do what I've always wanted to do. Thank you for supporting me unconditionally.
You are the best! Always and forever... I love you...
~*~*~*Sue-Ann's birthday*~*~*~
Celebrated Sue-Ann aka Mulan's bday at TJ Haus on Friday nite with Alice and Christine.
Christine was running late, so the 3 of us took the liberty to order first while waiting for her, as we were starving.
For those of you who's been following my blog for some times, TJ Haus needs no introduction as I've blogged about this place gazillion times already.
We had the usual must-haves.
Grilled filet of sole, mash potatoes (cos both Alice, Mulan and myself are potato lovers), grilled lamb chop, and crispy duck.
I wasn't in the mood to eat, hence I missed out on my fave duck.
Yups, i was feeling like I was falling sick and all, hence the lack of appetite. Which is true, cos I was puking yesterday and today. Think I'm suffering from mild food poisoning or something. It's been 2 days now, I'd better get well by 2nite.
A favourite - the grilled sole was fantastic!
I only had a small cube of the lamb, it was okay I guess. I ought to try this another time when my appetite returns.
Christine joined us about an hour later as she had some things to tidy up at work.
We ordered TJ Haus' signature cheese cake to share. Now, that sorta help to whet my appetite. Guess my theory about having 2 stomachs is true - one for main, another for desserts. hehe..
1 comment:
Nice food... me drooling now.
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