Project kitty kat
~*~*~*Project kitty kat*~*~*~
I'm asking all of you, yes you, to please pray for this kitty kat.
My colleague, Esmond first showed me the litter a few days ago. Yup, we have another litter again! There are lots of cats hanging out at the emergency stairwell in our carpark.
I really fear and worry for these mother cats and their kitties. There are just too many of them here. I worry that whenever the mummy cat goes out to scour for food, she get bangs by a car or something and never come back again.
Okay, back to the cats....
Christine, Esmond and i have been going to feed the mother cat on a daily basis. So yesterday, when we were there. The mummy cat wasn't there. She has actually brought the 3 kitties up a flight of stairs and we were worried that the kitties might fall off outta the window as they're pretty near the place.
So we decided to move the kittens to their normal place, where it is safe.
Oh, what a terrible mistake we've done! As soon as Esmond put the little kitty down, he scuttled away really quickly..
And...he was so near the edge of the stairs. I was practically frozen and told Esmond to quickly rescue the kitty. He was pretty far away..and he said, "dun worry, they'll know and will stop and sniff..not likely to fall"...
Before he could finish the sentence, the kitty lost its grasp and fell.
I really regret not rushing to try to grab the kitty. I was also worried that when i rushed over, i might have frightened the kitty and he'll fall from fright.
Oh my goodness, he fell down one flight of stairs. I was so traumatised from seeing the whole thing transpiring in front of my eyes..that i couldnt move at all.
Esmond rushed down to assess the situation. The lil kitty seem to be alive and he seems to have hurt his legs.
Esmond rushed down to assess the situation. The lil kitty seem to be alive and he seems to have hurt his legs.
Christine and i then rush him to the doctor in SS17 (Healing Rooms, part of Pets Wonderland).
We had a really good doctor, he was very understanding and dedicated. Dr Vijayndra told us that he'd have to run a couple of test to assess the damage. We're not sure if there's any internal injurys like damage to the nervous systems, spinal chord, bladder rupture, etc.
Dr Vijay checking on the little boy
He also told us that cats are very hardy creature and can miraculously get well too. This is what we're hoping for. A miracle. And i'm asking for all of you to please pray for this little kitty to heal completely.
He prescribed some medication to prevent swelling and bleeding and told us that we would have to monitor the kitty for 3 days to see if there's any improvements or not.
Christine and i were frantically calling friends if they wanna adopt the kitty as the 2 of us are not able to adopt the kitty. I have 4 dogs at home and i'm mostly not use these days. As for Christine, there's no one at home as well.
So therefore, i appeal to you ...if you could, please pass this along to whoever who loves animals and see if they're willing to adopt this little sweetie pie.
So where's the kitty now you ask?
We took him back to the office...Esmond and Christine fed him. While i cleaned his poo-poo. Was shocked when i saw blood in the poo. Called Dr Vijay, he said if he bleeds again, we need to stop the medication immediately.
I went back to the office at around 10:30pm (after gym) to feed kitty his medication and some food. He was meowing on and off. Poor thing. I think he probably scared, lonely and in pain.
Stayed for a while to calm the lil kitty and gave him some tlc. Left the office at about 11:45pm. He'll be staying overnight at the office.
Day 2
The lil kitty was meowing pretty loud this morning. We were worried that our management might find out.
Glad to know that he's not vomitting or showing signs of diarrhea as those are NOT GOod signs!
He's also eating as well. =) Thank you Lord!
I plan to bring him to the vet for boarding this weekend if we haven't found him a new home by this evening.
Christine and i are still trying to look for a good home for this kitty. So, if you know of anyone with a kind loving heart. Please let me know.
We've just christened the kitten and named him lil Joshua. He is really cute and so adorable. Lil Josh has a white greyish coat with blue eyes. He's got the cutest beady eyes i've ever seen. Trust me, you'll fall in love with him.
This is the box we put lil Josh in when we sent him to the vet.
Email me to let me know if you wanna adopt lil Josh.
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