Sunday, November 11, 2007

Suren's open house

It's Sunday today and I'm at home nursing my flu.

Yups, i caught the flu bug on Friday and i got really sick yesterday. So sick that i was bed-bound. Had to cancel on Michele's event, something that I had been looking forward the whole week.

Shuk and I have been planning to go to Zouk for this Levi's event that Mich organised.

Sorry Mich, I didn't mean to let you down woman. *hugs* I bet you had a blast last night. Heard from my friend Kel that it was a swell party. Congrats woman! :)

And as for you Kel... Dude, why issit that when I asked you to go, you said you're not sure as you're not that keen to party. Then you turned up at the party looking for me...and I was at home sick. Talk about coincidence la. Aiyo, we haven't seen each other for a while liao. We so have to catch up soon.

Okie okie, enough of me whining.
I'm gonna post some pictures taken at Suren's open house during Deepavali.

According to Alice, Suren's family used to do the elaborate Kolam thingy here, by the entrance. But not this year though...cos the Kolam last year was destroyed almost immediately when the guests arrived. :P

Alice looking very pretty in a punjabi suit, Mulan, and me (i started sneezing then). Yeah i know, I looked quite sick and all then.

With Pei Shi, our student.

Rajeswary (Suren's sis - I love all her sarees!) with Alice.

Sue-Ann and her bf, Andrew

We were all looking forward to tasting Suren's mum's culinary delights.

Halfway through praising the food, we were told that Suren's mum didn't cook this year cos she doesn't have enough hands and that she's not well. The food was cooked by Ravi, Suren's brother. And no one could taste the difference between Ravi and his mum's food. Buono!

We had kurma chicken, kurma mutton, rendang chicken, veggies with mustard seeds, nasi briyani, curry crab, kurma prawns, etc. *burp*

Indian sweets that i was looking forward to try. Unfortunately, it's an acquired taste.

The ironic thing is, I just realised I didn't manage to snap Suren's photo that night. This is cos he was being a perfect host, running in and out taking good care of all his guests.

Thanks for everything Suren. Happy Diwali :)


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