Saturday, December 30, 2006

Feeling like new resolutions

~*~*Feeling like new resolutions*~*~
Okay. Don't panic.

There's still time to think of what kinda new year's resolutions to make. and keep...

Yes, this year i wanna make resolutions i can achieve and not abandon half-way through.

L-R: Cindy, May, Mon, Men, Moi

Went for drinks with my gal frens at the Curve the other night and each of us had to come up with 5 new year's resolutions. And resolutions 3, 4, and 5 will be the same across the board.

Resolution no 3: do something interesting
Resolution no 4: must go on at least 1 girlie trip a year (trip must be >3 days to count)
Resolution no 5: must remember and always make an effort to celebrate girl friends' birthday..

Resolution no 1 and 2 we had to propose our own and make sure the rest of the girls agree that it is a worthy one..

I wont reveal my gal frens' resolution..i'll just tell u mine..

I told them that i'll cut down on shopping. Carmen just smirked and commented "Ven, we're not asking for a miracle. Try again!". ugggh..

So i told the gals i'll try to consistently save 30% of my salary. That got a nod from them.


I couldn't think of the next resolution as we were busy catching up with May who's back for the hols.

Now i know what my second resolution is...

To spend more time with my loved ones and show them how much i truly love and appreciate them.

Corny but true.. :P

Resolution no 1 may be difficult to keep. But resolution no 2 i'm gamed on keeping.

So, what's your new year resolutions?

Best wishes for the coming new year! Have a happy and fantabulous one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elvin : Well, you said it. So, you must do it! Happy New Year!