Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lord, I need you...

I woke up this morning feeling better than usual as yesterday was a public holiday. Hence i did not have to work. Though some colleagues have been scheduled to work as we're open everyday now - peak period, you see.

So i count myself fortunate.
I have been having this perpetual headache forever. Ms Migraine and Mr Neckache/Shoulderache do not wanna leave me for some reasons.

I think i'll pop some painkillers to say goodbye to them.

Please help to pray for me. I need all the favours and blessings I can get to get through such trying times.

Lord, I can't do it on my own. I'm gonna rest and rely wholly on you as I now know that there are things that i cannot control. I give all my burdens unto You. Thank You for being here for me, my pillar of strength.


Anonymous said...

you poor thing. i know how tough ur company is..hang in there ok? hugs!! gimme a call if u need to talk.

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