Saturday, March 22, 2008

Significant changes

There are 2 major things that I'm doing/have done this week.

Firstly, I went to Shawn's to cut off about 6 inches of my curls away. And re-permed my hair, though the length is not something I'm used to. But the length will do me good, I'm sick of the length of my long hair.

~*~*~*The hair cut*~*~*~

I initially had my appointment booked for Saturday, but I realised I'm not supposed to wet/wash my hair for 2 days after perming. So if I were to be immersed in water, my hair will be all wet(yes, I'll be baptised the next day).

Since Thursday was a public holiday, as soon as I woke up I called up Shawn Cutler. Initially I was told that Shawn was fully booked for the day (he's got 20+ clients that day), and that no way will they be able to squeeze me in. Thanks to the favour bestowed on me, Shawn agreed to fit me in without an appointment.

So i rushed over to Bangsar as soon as I've showered and had my breakfast.

Me with my new shorter hair length.

Right after perming. Gosh this reminds me of the typical big-hair-Datin-look.

Shorter, lighter and healthier hair. :)

Just after I've tapau-ed my lunch from d'lish. Quite kesian, I ate my takeaway in the car as I had to rush off to meet a friend, before going for my belly dance practice.

At d'lish cafe

By the time my hair was done, it was close to 5pm. And i was famished. I had a wild urge to buy all the cupcakes in d'lish just to satisfy my hunger pang.

Ended up taking away this choc cheese and raspberry cupcake and my favourite chicken avocado ciabatta. I was so hungry I could eat a horse i tell ya.

D'lish...Food for the impatient gourmet...

~*~*~*The Baptism*~*~*~

Secondly, I'll be going for my baptism this Easter Sunday, which is tomorrow. And I'm all excited about it.

Why the changes you ask?

My answer: Cos I'm turning the big 3-0 soon *shudder shudder*, and I thought I should do something significant. Something which I have total say over, which no one can dictate whatsoever.

I've known the Lord close to 5 years now, and since I've already been baptised in spirit, I thought it'd be a significant step for me to be baptised in water.

And Easter to me is always very special.

Back when I was an unbeliever, my birthdays used to fall on either Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It was like that for a long long time. However, recently Easter seems to fall in March.

I wonder when it'll fall around mid April again.

Isaiah 52:77 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to the city, "Your God reigns!"

By the grace of God, miracles fall like drops of healing rain from heaven....

Happy Easter to all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Carrie.

Let's come to save our earth , we know we can't do anything big but if we can do ourself a small favor or switching light on 28 March.

It will make our future/environment better at least.

Here is the link , but remember after registered must do one wow..hahahah

Make it a better life for you and others. It is what Jesus do , sacrify himself for us...:)