Thursday, August 09, 2007

Just be careful

A series of incidences which I heard recently has rang the alarm bell in my system.
I am kinda frightened.

Firstly, my sister Caryn was injured by a snatch thief. She was out clubbing one night with her friends. On the way back, their car (all of them were in one car, and Caryn was sitting on the front passenger seat), her bf called, and she answered the call.

As their car was stalled during a traffic light, in a split second from answering her call, the next thing she knew - the window on her side was smashed by a guy on a motorbike. And he was struggling with her to grab her mobile phone off her.

At one point, it was a tug-of-war between Caryn's friends and the thief.

The thief however, nearly pulled my sis out of the window. This forced her to let go of her mobile. And she was bleeding all over due to the broken glasses.

This is so freaky!

I mean, how can the thief know when she's gonna answer the call? For exactly how long has the guy/guys been monitoring them? Or was it an ad-hoc operation?

~*~*~*Another incident*~*~*~

As I was telling my girl friends about my sister's mishap, one of them received a call from her sister.

The sister was walking along her neighbourhood with her husband and baby girl when the three of them were cornered and surrounded by 4 Malay guys at knife point - right outside their house!

The sister actually ran away with her baby girl as she feared for her daughter's safety. And the 4 thugs threathened the husband instead. He was robbed of the RM1000 in his pocket.

The thing was, this happened after the police has done the daily rounding.

Which brings me to a safe are we actually?

Girls, get yourself a pepper spray - learn how to use it. Pick up some city survival as well as self defense skills.


Anonymous said...

which is why we are now having a campaign called "personal safety campaign " will bring this out around the country by jan nex year. with the slogan "armed or harmed , stay alert!" manage by us , MCA and the goverment .
fighting the crime is our responsibility nowadays , learn to protect yourself .

Carrie McGorgeous said...

Oh do share more about this campaign dude.

Any flyers or info that we can get our hands on?