We wanted to clean her lips and wipe her eyes, but the slightest movement tend to arouse her. So we decided to wait till she wakes up.
I guess she must have been scared and nervous. =(
Initially, she refused to go to the hospital. It is my grandma's nature to not to want to trouble anyone. And she hasn't been sleeping well for a few days already. Yet, she concealed it all..and acted as if everything's fine.
It wasn't until dad went over this morning and coaxed her to go for a check up that we managed to get her to the hospital. Yes, she is pretty strong-headed for a 75 year old lady.
I was with mum watching over her till the doctors came to check on her.
They woke her up...and she was startled at first. We had to calm her down, just like how we'd comfort a little girl.
I shared with the doctor whatever information I knew about my grandma's medical history. My grandma was diagnosed with mild parkinson few years back, her hands will shake/tremor involuntarily, other than that she is a healthy lady.
Due to the fact that grandma only speaks Chinese dialect, I acted as the translator for the doctor. I had to ask my pohpoh many questions; "Where are you now?" "Who is this" "What's your name?" "Is this painful?" etc.
She recognised mum, she answered her own name correctly. When asked if she knows where she is, she said, "I am upstairs, on the 3rd floor" - the correct answer is 4th floor, in a hospital (nevermind, i think she's partially correct).
However, she mistook me for my sister though. When i corrected her, she murmured something which I couldn't comprehend due to her slurred speech. I'm not sure if she knew it was me talking to her.
I'm pretty worried cos she didn't sound like herself and we had a difficult time trying to understand what she was trying to say.
The doctor asked if that's the way she normally speaks and I said 'no'.
I'm not sure if this slurred speech thingy is going to be permanent or not. I'm hoping that it's because she's in such a drowsy state she cannot speak properly thus sound incoherent.
Mum thinks it may also be becos of her denture, she's not wearing one. I dunno.
Anyway, doctor said that she'll be treated for pneumonia and that all should be well. We're so relieved.
Mum is staying over tonight to take care of my beloved pohpoh. All will be well i hope.
I just wanna thank you all for your prayers, well wishes and kind, comforting words.
Please continue praying for her...thank you =)
sniff sniff..reminds me of my granny when she was sick few years back.
dont worry, she'll be fine. will pray for her too.
u take care Carrie. hugs
dun worry gal, i'm sure she'll be alright. her speech may just be a temporary thing due to maybe the drugs/grogginess.
God bless.
your grandma will be fine. trust in the Lord with all your heart and tell Him your requests. He'll grant you your wishes and desires. Let go, and Let God Carrie.
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