Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Runaway maid SHITuation


When I awoke this morning, I was a lil apprehensive as to why the house was still so dim at 8am.

I was also wondering to myself why there wasn't any food on the table.

When I was finally done, I went downstairs to grab a bite before leaving. Surprisingly, mum was standing by the dining table. Asking us (me and my bro) what we wanted for breakfast.

Puzzled, I asked, "eh, how come you're preparing breakfast this morning?"

She exclaimed, "Cos your maid ran away!"

OMG, never would we have thought Faridah is the kind who'd run away. Of all the maids, she has been one of the best. And she's one of the the nicest too. It's tough to find someone who's so loving and can take care of my doggies so well too. sigh..

There were absolutely no tell-tale signs at all. sigh.

I can't possibly understand why she'd run away. We've always been nice to her and had never mistreated her in any ways. In fact, we always treat her as part of the family. We buy her gifts and take her out too. She'll be difficult to replace. :(

Now, mum is left to do all the housework. I feel so bad. Also, her birthday is coming up. It's this Thursday and I hope she doesn't feel too stressed out with the lost of a good helper.

I'm feeling quite sad this morning..It feels as if i've lost someone dear. Arrgh, I hate this feeling!!! It's totally unbearable!!!


Anonymous said...

oh, you poor thing. i hope you'll be able to find a replacement soon.

it's quite common to have runaway maids these days. i heard it's become more rampant.

Anonymous said...

don be so sad, it's really common. no matter how nice you treat them, they'll run away one. i heard lots of stories like that before.