Monday, September 17, 2007

All pysched up

I've just attended my first day of training today. Part one of this training will be conducted today (Mon), tomorrow (Tue) and this Friday. (dunno whether I should be stressed out or not as there are lots of things due, which needed immediate approval before we could print this week..and I'm barely in the office).

Part two will be carried out sometime in October.

Today's training is called "The Power to Influence : Mastery in Counselling".


So I understand that we're supposed to be better counSELLors after this training. :P

The whole of today was devoted to applying the S.P.I.N technique of asking the right questions when counSELLing. (note, asking just open-ended questions does not work as well anymore.)

I'm not sure if it's gonna work (it does sound pretty good from all the real life examples that we were told). I just hope that it's as applicable-friendly as it sounds.

What does S.P.I.N stand for?

S = Situational questions
P = Problem questions
I = Implication questions
N = Need-payoff questions

If you're interested to know what it's all about, go google it. Pretty interesting stuff. :)

Happy spinning!

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