Saturday, September 15, 2007

Justice prevails

I was out of the office the whole of today for a very important marketing brainstorming session - which turned out really fantastic. We came up with lotsa creative, out-of-the-box ideas and i enjoyed every minute of it.

This meeting is very unlike most of the workshop/sessions/meetings that we've conducted out of office, which I've attended. It was a session where we really got the chance to throw our ideas as well as speak our minds to the big bosses without having to worry if those are "sensitive issues".

It was nice to bond with the upper management and to know that they too are humans, and they too fear rejections sometimes.

Our objectives and mission for the day (and i daresay the whole of next year) were met.

We had our brainstorming session at Cititel hotel. Well, seriously I have nothing much to comment about this hotel. The only good thing is probably the location (obviously). Mind you, we had no choice as most of the other hotels were fully booked.

The buffet lunch was HORRIBLE guys. The mussels were not fresh, the deep fried crabs were tasteless, the selection of food was sad..

The day was redeemed when I got this sms from STAR saying, "Dog catching competition by the Selayang Municipal Council has been scrapped: council to work with SPCA to catch stray dogs".

I was thrilled that our petition worked. Yay, at least those doggies out there won't have to suffer anymore. And someone was actually listening too!

My friend, Donald was so right when he commented about how silly this whole bloody thing was(see his comments on previous post).

But now that I have more time to think, I'm a lil skeptical about this whole collaboration with SPCA thing.

Tell me, what will they do to the doggies once they've captured them? Will SPCA put them up for adoption? or will they just put those poor doggies down?

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